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LZ Pony Veterans Foundation was formed in honor of Cpt.Thomas S. Casagrande.

Tom first served his country at 21 years old, spending two tours in Vietnam. After attending U.S. Army flight school at Fort Rucker Alabama, he was deployed in 1966 to fly UH-1B (Huey) helicopters for “C co.” 227th AHB, First Cav. Division, out of An Khe. During this tour, he was shot down on three separate occasions. During his second tour, he flew covert reconnaissance missions over Laos and Thailand in RU 21D’s. After ten years in the Army, Tom continued flying multiple military aircraft as a test pilot for the Department of Defense, for an additional twenty years.

Aviation was his passion and Tom ultimately logged over 13,000 hours of flight time in over 190 types of aircraft.  

He was type rated in aircraft ranging from rotary wing, fixed wing and jets, as well as WWII fighters and bombers. He was awarded over 60 military medals and commendations throughout his career, which he never spoke of. His aviation knowledge, skills and passion were legendary, as was his love for his country and its military. Tom remained a true patriot, when later in life he became disabled from the effects of agent orange poisoning. Sadly, Tom headed West in 2010. He will forever be remembered as a beloved father, husband and friend to all of the officers of this foundation.

He was a remarkable man and a true hero.


The foundation name “LZ Pony” refers to a landing zone in South Vietnam built in 1965 by Lt. Howard’s First Cav. “First Equipment platoon”. It was located approximately 15 clicks south of Bong Son, in support of the First Air Calvary Division. Tom Casagrande utilized the LZ while stationed at An Khe in 1966.




1st Cav. D 227th, Golf Course, An Khe 19
Tom at An Khe 1966.jpg

 Capt. Thomas S. Casagrande (on right)

1st Cav. D 227th, Golf Course, An Khe, 1966

LZ PONY VETERANS FOUNDATION    PO BOX 474    NORTH CONWAY, N.H. 03860​     Tel: 603-730-5397​ 

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